Character Blog 3: Jinn – Personality Test

JINN – ISTJ – Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging

TYPELOGIC DEFINITION – ISTJs are often called inspectors. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ.

As do other Introverted Thinkers, ISTJs often give the initial impression of being aloof and perhaps somewhat cold. Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not something that ISTJs do without considerable energy loss.

ISTJs are most at home with “just the facts, Ma’am.” They seem to perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step approach. Once a new procedure has proven itself (i.e., has been shown “to work,”) the ISTJ can be depended upon to carry it through, even at the expense of their own health.

ISTJs are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when the second parties don’t keep their commitments. But they usually keep their feelings to themselves unless they are asked. And when asked, they don’t mince words. Truth wins out over tact. The grim determination of the ISTJ vindicates itself in officiation of sports events, judiciary functions, or an other situation which requires making tough calls and sticking to them.

His SJ orientation draws the ISTJ into the service of established institutions. Home, social clubs, government, schools, the military, churches — these are the bastions of the SJ. “We’ve always done it this way” is often reason enough for many ISTJs. Threats to time-honored traditions or established organizations (e.g., a “run” on the bank) are the undoing of SJs, and are to be fought at all costs.

Michael Schroeder – ENFJ – Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging

TYPELOGIC DEFINITION – ENFJs are the benevolent ‘pedagogues’ of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it’s usually not meant as manipulation — ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.

ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture. The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability.

ENFJs are, by definition, Js, with whom we associate organization and decisiveness. But they don’t resemble the SJs or even the NTJs in organization of the environment nor occasional recalcitrance. ENFJs are organized in the arena of interpersonal affairs. Their offices may or may not be cluttered, but their conclusions (reached through feelings) about people and motives are drawn much more quickly and are more resilient than those of their NFP counterparts.

ENFJs know and appreciate people. Like most NFs, (and Feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. They have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and are at risk for being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. ENFJs often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear.

Similarities and differences

In terms of our personalities, Jinn and I are basically polar opposites across the board. Jinn’ main purpose is to serve The Syndicate and nothing more. He does not care for people outside of it’s cause and objectives and will decimate those in his path to those objectives. Jinn doesn’t care much for people in general, feeling he is above the common humans who’ve let themselves become nothing more than frightened, loathsome filth, not worth preserving. I on the other hand enjoy creating opportunities to aid people in any way I can on an emotional, social or financial level. I often put other people’s needs ahead of my own. Jinn is not a social creature at all, he loves his solitude outside the cities even if the world outside is more dangerous. I love everything about people, from what gives them motivation to what aspects make them who they are. People are amazing and there is so much to a person regardless of how interesting or boring they may seem as there are so many intricate details I their life’s road to make them who they are today.

Jinn doesn’t care much to talk his way in and out of situations as he can just intimidate them by association of who he is. He strikes fear into the hearts of people to get what he wants. I am not one to intimidate people in any sense but I have this innate ability to get people to trust me quickly and somewhat manipulate them to my will. As negative as this sounds I use this manipulation to help people realize their goals. For example I use someone’s trust in me when they pour their intimate details of their life to me to help them realize what may be causing the issue by picking out specific aspects of their personality. This trust people have in me also makes them want to help me even without giving them a whole lot in return mostly because they refuse rather than me trying to use them. This in a sense this is a similarity because we know how to encourage people to help us through a form of manipulative means even if the intent of manipulation is the opposite.

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1 Response to Character Blog 3: Jinn – Personality Test

  1. You didn’t need to cut and paste the descriptions as I’m familiar with them. It’s your last two paragraphs that are most important. How do you think writing a “polar opposite” character is (or isn’t) going to be challenging for you? (you don’t have to answer that here, but it is part of the point of the exercise to be aware of some of the blocks you may come across). 3.5/5

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